It used to be a mantra in environmental circles that "the solution to pollution is dilution." That simply isn't tenable anymore, and it probably never was. The reasons are many:
- We now know that many compounds are biologically active at extremely low levels.
- We know that chemicals, radiation, and biological agents can and do act synergistically to magnify their effects on humans, animals and plants.
- We know that chemicals that were thought to degrade quickly in the environment such as glyphosate may persist for long periods.
- Most people now understand that the industries producing chemical and radiation hazards have spent huge sums to propagandize the public and intimidate and control scientists in order to convince us that the industry's products and the pollution associated with them are not harmful.
- Furthermore, in many cases, the dangers have been known from the beginning and been covered up.
A little history regarding leaded gasoline, chlorofluorocarbons, bisphenol A, and wireless radiation will highlight these conclusions.
Let us start with leaded gasoline which was invented in the early 1920s to increase the performance of gasoline engines—essentially to get rid of the "knocking" noise which also indicates inefficient combustion.