Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why doesn't more communication translate into greater consensus about the world's problems?

On the surface one would think that the revolutionary advances in worldwide communications--made possible first by the telegraph, then by the telephone, the radio, the television and now by the Internet--would lead to a broad consensus on such issues as climate change and resource depletion. Almost everyone now has nearly instant access to the latest scientific information on these issues. Yet, no consensus has emerged, at least not one strong enough to bring about definitive action.

Some people point to the enormous sums spent by the fossil fuel industry to confuse the public about the causes and consequences of climate change and about the future availability of fossil fuels. This is certainly a very big factor. Polls show that the American public's acceptance of the scientific consensus on climate change has declined in recent years coincident with a very strong propaganda push by the industry (though that acceptance has rebounded recently as record summer heat has changed some minds back). When it comes to energy supplies, industry television ads currently fill the airways in America with claims of 100 years of natural gas. This is despite that fact that the latest government estimates of future U.S. natural gas supplies have been dramatically slashed.

But I want to get at why people are susceptible to such manipulation in the first place. After all, the truth about climate change is now available practically worldwide to anyone who has a computer or even access to a library. And, the figures on oil production, which has been flat since 2005, are available from official government websites.

The answer starts with the issue of complexity. Issues such as climate change and resource depletion are really a complex set of interconnected issues that include population, per capita consumption, geology, climate science, infrastructure, technology, ideology, politics, economics, and, well, you get the idea. Even very intelligent, committed people have a hard time keeping up with and understanding the information available. In addition, climate change and resource depletion tend to be abstract and not subject to verification by the average individual. Simple observation on any given day cannot tell you whether the climate is changing or whether critical resources are being depleted.

All this makes it easy to send misleading and false messages to the public about these issues since the recipients have little information from direct observation to go on. Instead, because much of the public cannot grasp these issues or sense them as problems in their everyday lives, they are susceptible to appeals that activists aren't really concerned about those issues; rather, their agenda is to control somehow the lives of others through government regulation and taxation. It's never explained exactly why activists would want to do this for its own sake since the taxes and regulation would hit them as well. But this twin threat is a potent one in the American psyche in particular. (Oddly, those who push intrusive surveillance of the public, the destruction of civil liberties and privacy in the name of protecting us from terrorism, and the borrowing of trillions of dollars to finance wars based on false premises don't seem to warrant the same concern. Nor do large corporations which control so much of our lives.)

There is, of course, the natural human prejudice that the future will pretty much look like the recent past though history tells us that change, sometimes rapid, catastrophic change, can occur when it is least expected. (Of course, you would have to read history to know this.) And, that's why appeals to technological solutions work particularly well. For some reason, people generally readily dismiss the ill and unintended effects of technology and believe that all future technology will be free of side effects. One reason could be the almost miraculous power that technology has made available to the individual in the areas of communication, transport, and even weapons. Power, of course, doesn't mean no side effects, but it tends to obscure the downside of our technology.

The feeling among the populace is generally that there is no problem that technology cannot solve. Now, think about what it would take to explain why relying on technological advances alone is a risky course. You would be forced to deal with complexity after complexity.

So, if it's not the availability of information and communication that brings about consensus, what does? Let me suggest that it is the confluence of values that makes consensus possible. Where values converge even if methods don't, there is a chance to find consensus. The idea that one could increase control over one's life through localized energy sources, for instance, might be a good place to start. Bringing control closer to home has been one of the major driving forces behind the local food movement. It is, of course, not less complex for the individual to reassert control over his or her life. New skills such a growing food and new ways of cooperating such as community gardens and community-based power require more involvement, not less.

Letting a corporation handle all the complexity for us at the grocery store and the electric generating plant doesn't reduce overall complexity in society; it merely shifts it to someone else and makes us more subject to the other person's or organization's agenda and weaknesses.

We shouldn't abandon the search for effective communication strategies. We need to find better ones. But we should couple our search with a search for common values that can pave the way to consensus. With that focus our vast instantaneous worldwide communications system could then become a far better ally in addressing the major issues of our time.

Kurt Cobb is the author of the peak-oil-themed thriller, Prelude, and a columnist for the Paris-based science news site Scitizen. His work has also been featured on Energy Bulletin, The Oil Drum, 321energy, Common Dreams, Le Monde Diplomatique, EV World, and many other sites. He maintains a blog called Resource Insights.


  1. Bicycle Dave10:37 PM

    "So, if it's not the availability of information and communication that brings about consensus, what does? Let me suggest that it is the confluence of values that makes consensus possible."

    Up to this point in your post, I was with you 100%. However, I don't understand how you can suggest a "confluence of values" in our world that is dominated by radically conflicting values? Further, the majority of these so-called "values" are the result of the Dawkins theory of memes whereby these "values" are designed to serve some very narrow and selfish purposes. Religious, corporate, and political entities mold these "values" to perpetuate their own advantage in the grand scheme of things.

    I suggest going after the root of the problem: attacking the religious, corporate and political ideologies that are preventing us from, as you say "common values that can pave the way to consensus". If we could actually recognize the root causes of humanity's (and the planet's) problems and set rational global goals, then a wide variety of solutions could be explored. However, with our current set of distorted and manipulated "values", we have little chance of avoiding some pretty dire consequences - if not total collapse.

  2. Just like the world is "finite",
    the human brain is finite.

    Just like there is only so much in rate of oil production, in rate of fresh water production, etc. that the finite world can reach (peaks, limits to growth, etc.),

    there is only so much in information and knowledge bandwidth that the finite human brain can achieve.

    For most people the answer is this: I've picked my story and I'm going to stick to it. Don't try to confuse me with facts.

    Communication does not overcome the bandwidth limits, does not overcome the "I've picked my story" confirmation bias.

    We are not the clever and sapient creatures we imagine ourselves to be, even if we had picked "that" as our common story. The facts show otherwise.

  3. Good!

    Humans are very tribal. For us, identifying with a group seems to rank right up there with food and sex.

    I'm no great scholar but I have been involved with peak oil via one of the first web message boards on the topic for more than 8 years now. One thing I've learned is we will perform gold medal quality logic acrobatics in order to defend the tribe we've chosen to call our own.

    Regardless of which way our knee jerks initially, that's the way we are bound to head. We'll continue in a circle, 'round and 'round and instead of all the communications at our beck and call expanding our circle, we look for another tribe mate to help prove that we are right and everyone else is, at the least, wrong - if not worse.

  4. Recently I have become taken with the philosophical system of the "great pessimist" Arthur Schopenhauer. So naturally, I feel, on this topic -- the failure to communicate to the vast unwashed majority the full extent of our present predicament -- a few quotes from the eminently quotable Schopenhauer are in line:

    "There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five, by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity."

    "Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world."

    "The wise have always said the same things, and fools, who are the majority have always done just the opposite."

    "The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice."

    and finally:

    "The greatest achievements of the human mind are generally received with distrust."

    Schopenhauer lived basically in a world before "the revolutionary advances in worldwide communications" yet fully understood the problem. This should come as no surprise as the root cause of this "failure to communicate" lies not in a "breakdown in our technology" or in the "power structure" but in human nature. As Dave Cohen over at Decline of the Empire likes to say "with humans what you see is what you get" -- there truly is no great mystery there.

    Speaking of Dave, the topic of his post today is a truly bizarre, but completely predictable, attempt by a group of very well meaning, but totally clueless, scientists to use the latest state-of-the-art technology to communicate, in a meaningful way, with other humans about a problem they are creating in the oceans of the world:

    For me Dave Cohen is the reincarnation of Arthur Schopenhauer. I think Dave is right humans love themselves and worship their creations {be they gods or technology} and hate nature.

    Those who hold out for "the techofix", in any form, are like a farm-boy who has taken his favorite sow and put on some lipstick and believes he has got himself a homecoming date, who has a good chance, of ending up as the homecoming queen.

    But, given what we have evolved into what other hope is there?
