Sunday, May 23, 2021

Not just another drought: The American West moves from dry to bone dry

The American West is having a drought. So, what else is new? And, that's just the point. The American West has been in an extended drought since 2000, so far the second worst in the last 1200 years. Here is the key quote from the National Geographic article cited above:

In the face of continued climate change, some scientists and others have suggested that using the word "drought" for what’s happening now might no longer be appropriate, because it implies that the water shortages may end. Instead, we might be seeing a fundamental, long-term shift in water availability all over the West.

That is what climate scientists have been warning about all along. The problems we are now experiencing are not just cycles or fluctuations—although those continue to be important—but rather, permanent changes in the climate (that is, on any timeline that matters to humans).

I wrote about this drought when it was only 10 years old. (For a sense of how bad it is now, see the U.S. Drought Monitor.) Back then it did not seem that residents and businesses were taking it seriously, even if some water officials were. There have been ups and downs in the intervening years, but mostly downs.

There is a reason that most major cities are located near water and not in arid regions. Water is heavy, fluid and not easily transported—though vast and expensive water projects do just that. Water cannot be easily created from its constituents elements, oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen is abundant everywhere on Earth. But hydrogen in its elemental state is not readily available and must be extracted from other sources such as natural gas. The cost of manufacturing water is prohibative or we'd likely be doing it already.

That leaves society with two paths: Bring ever greater amounts of water to arid regions which continue to grow in population and water-intensive activities such as farming OR conserve dramatically in order to live within the available water supply.

The second choice appears imminent as water authorities across several states are preparing to activate a drought response plan this summer when Lake Mead (the lake behind Hoover Dam) is expected to reach a level that triggers the plan. All those receiving water from the Colorado River and its tributaries are likely to be affected. Again, a look at the U.S. Drought Monitor demonstrates that the drought extends far beyond the Colorado River basin, west to much of California, east into New Mexico and West Texas and north into parts of Oregon.

There is a third path which I haven't mentioned because in polite company and official circles it is unmentionable: People could leave. And, they may do so as the costs and consequences of living with less water mount—especially for those in water-intensive pursuits such as agriculture. Those in the cities may leave, too, as the cost of provisioning water for urban areas rises and supplies are curtailed. That would, of course, hit water-intensive businesses and their employees the hardest.

All of this was prophesied long ago by Marc Reisner, author of Cadillac Desert, the acknowledged classic treatment of water in the American West. The subtitle of the book is "The American West and Its Disappearing Water."

Of course, the boosters of growth in the West will tell us that these things are cyclical and that soon the rains will return. But, the West has been waiting for over 20 years. Unfortunately, a positive mental attitude does not trump the physics of climate change—which, in this case, has been combined with a return to what the historical and geological record show is far closer to the norm in the West.

That does not bode well for a people and a culture used to getting its way with nature—something, it turns out, that was really just luck, the luck of having populated and reconfigured the West in a period that was particularly wet in relation to the millennium that preceded it.

Kurt Cobb is a freelance writer and communications consultant who writes frequently about energy and environment. His work has appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, Resilience, Common Dreams, Naked Capitalism, Le Monde Diplomatique,, OilVoice, TalkMarkets,, Business Insider and many other places. He is the author of an oil-themed novel entitled Prelude and has a widely followed blog called Resource Insights. He can be contacted at


  1. Funny how climate induced drought is only news in the summer on dry years, when the lakes are low. No one was talking drought in California in 2017 and 2019, when there was near record rainfall. California will have a crisis in a few months. Until then no serious water conservation efforts are enforced. We need to get beyond this short term thinking

  2. Marc Reisner's book was a pivotal experience for me, helping to understand that in the 48 states, west of the Mississippi River basin many large regions were historically arid + semi-arid. Cadillac Desert is still on my bookshelf. A classic.
    Living in Bellingham, even in the northern edge of Puget Sound, we are dryer than normal. Nobody is going to be immune to experiencing climate change. Even we have had several summers with suffocating wildfire smoke.

  3. The Acequias(traditional irrigation communities in New Mexico)have practiced subsistence agriculture in this arid region using the customs and traditions originating in North Africa and brought to the "New World" by Spanish Colonists for the past 500 yrs. We know how to adapt to water shortages through traditional practices such as "Repartimento" or sharing of the the limited supply available. However, beginning with the "Progressive" era at the turn of the century engineers built dams and reservoirs to store water for agricultural development in the Middle Rio Grande and in the 1960k's a tunnel from the Colorado watershed to the Rio Grande . known as the San Juan Chama project supplementing the natural flow of the Rio Grande for economic development of Cities and towns in the Middle Rio Grande. Today we are battling to save our water from unbridled economic development schemes like Santolina in Albuquerque, and water intensive industries such as facebook in Los Lunas and Intel in Rio Rancho. God help us, We Pray for Rain.
    Santiago Maestas, President
    South Valley Regional Association of Acequias
